Friday, April 22, 2011

Booty Pop Commercial

The booty Pop underwear are padded undies that give the illusion that the Butt is bigger and more lifted. That video above argues that it does the same thing for the butt that the push up bra does for the breast. I however feel that these are a stretch. This is beyond false advertising and if you took your pants off and a man seen this... tisk tisk tisk. It would be a big gossip day the following morning about your fake buttox and how flat the real deal is. Ladies I know its easier said than done, but lets try to be oursleves a little more and loose the makeup, fake hair, push up bra's and booty pops..... naaaah. On the other hand lets keep our stupid little manmade treasures that make us feel more womanly. POWER OF THE P LADIES!!!!!!

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