Monday, March 7, 2011

A letter to my Grandfather

Lately Ive been MIA, and a little bit distant from those I did encounter. I lost my granddaddy and its kind of put me somewhere that Ive never been before. I dont know how to express how I feel so Ill just write this letter to my granddad.

Birmingham, Al

                           Deacon George A. Whitt Sr.
                           Mansion #030111

         Dear Granddaddy,
                I think about you daily. We really miss you down here. It hurts me that Ill never get to hug and kiss you again. Or listen to that comforting laugh. I came to see you in the hospital that thursday before you went home. You were asleep, the nurse told me I could talk to you and that you might hear me. In case you didnt, I told you that everyone said hi, and that we wanted you to get better. I sent love from Mama, Nita, Nahja, the kids and even your little superstar Annie. She's really sad that she couldnt come to the funeral. But I gave you kisses for her. The last thing i said to you before I left the hospital was that I would come back with my grandma and you frowned. Dont worry about her Granddaddy. She is well taken care of here.
                 Your  homegoing service was beautiful, and Pastor Braxton loves and will miss you greatly too. He told us the best way to honor your memory was to follow in your footsteps. That doesnt sound like such a bad idea. =)    When i go to the house it feels empty without you, but this too shall pass. I know your better off up there. And one day I will be there with you, and hear that beautiful laugh again. Maybe I can play in your hair like when we were little girls and put barrettes in it like we used to do on the porch in E. St Louis. You let us do that just to entertain us and it was so fun. I think we filled your whole head with pink and purple barrettes lol.  I'll never forget it.
                  Although things are still kind of hard right now, Im trying. I kind of let my school work slip but no more. Im going to get the grades I know you want me to get and be the first in the family with a bachelor's degree. I think Im going to go straight to grad school too. You would be so proud.  I know you  want nothing more than for us to be happy. Now that your no longer suffering, We are happy. We are happy that you got your mansion up there that you never got on this side. We are happy that your walking pain free on the other side. And I am happy that I received 22 years with the best grandfather in the whole world. I love you.
-Kristan aka Baby-K

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